Southern Highlands landowners are gaining a behind-the-scenes glimpse of some of the visitors to their properties thanks to a new partnership between Wingecarribee Shire Council, the National Parks Association of NSW and South East Local Land Services.
Called ‘Who’s Living on my Land?’ the citizen science survey uses infrared motion cameras to monitor native and feral animals living on private properties. Landholders have the opportunity to learn about the project during the two-part workshop which includes instruction on vertebrate pest control.
“The major focus of the ‘Who’s Living on my Land?’ workshops is for landowners to learn what animals they have living on and using their land,” said Council’s Bushland Projects Officer Karen Guymer.
“By using the infrared cameras the participants can see what animals – both native and feral – are visiting their properties during the day and at night.
“With this information they can then implement a course of action to help protect or provide sanctuary for the native animals or develop a program to better control the pests,” Ms Guymer said.
A recent workshop held for landholders in the High Range area saw 28 participants learn how to use the motion detection cameras and hear how to safely and effectively use pesticides to control rabbits, foxes and wild dogs.
Following the workshop all participants were loaned an infrared camera for two weeks from National Parks Association NSW Citizen Science Officer, Margot Law.
“Since the workshop we’ve had a number of the participants send in images of the animals their cameras have recorded,” Ms Law said.
“It’s providing them with a fascinating insight on the variety and amount of wildlife that use their properties.”
Native animals recorded as part of the program will be incorporated in the National Parks Association (NPA) state-wide survey.
The citizen science wildlife survey initiative was hosted by Wingecarribee Shire Council via the Environment Levy and supported by the National Parks Association of NSW and the South East Local Land Services.
The next Who’s Living on my Land workshop will be held in the Canyonleigh area on 2 April 2016.
To register interest for the Canyonleigh or future workshops contact Margot Law, on phone (02) 9299 0000 or via email at