Community service providers along with sporting, cultural and health support groups are some of the community groups set to benefit from Wingecarribee Shire Council’s latest round of community grants and donations.
Fifty nine local community projects totalling $127,600 were allocated funding as part of the 2017/18 Wingecarribee Community Assistance Scheme.
Of the 59 grants allocated, 26 will receive donations of up to $600 while the remaining 33 will receive grants ranging from $1,000 to $7,000.
Included within the allocation are five dedicated environmental themed projects valued at a total of $7,600 which will be funded via Council’s Environment Levy.
Chair of the Community Assistance Scheme Committee, Councillor Duncan Gair said the spread of grants would benefit dozens of Highland community groups.
“The Community Assistance Scheme allows the local community to work with Council by implementing projects that due to limited resources would otherwise not be possible,” he said.
A full list of this year’s recipients is available on Council’s website
A presentation ceremony will take place in Council’s Civic Centre Theatrette at 5.30pm on Wednesday 2 August during Local Government Week.
“Council recognises the contributions of our community organisations and groups and is pleased to extend our support through the Community Assistance Scheme,” said Mayor Ken Halstead.
“Congratulations to all successful applicants.”
For further information contact Council’s Community Development Coordinator on 4868 0761.