Locals will be once again lending a hand in tidying up the Highlands as part of this year’s national Clean Up Australia Day event to be held on Sunday 4 March.
Echoing the sentiments of national Clean Up Australia Day campaign, founder and Chairman Ian Kiernan AO, Wingecarribee Shire Mayor, Councillor Ken Halstead encouraged locals to once again roll up their sleeves and help protect our local ecosystem.
“Everyone can do their bit either individually or as part of a team,” the Mayor said.
“Clean Up Australia Day is a simple way in which residents can clean up, fix up and conserve our Shire,” he said. “It’s a great opportunity for everyone to come together and help clean up our beautiful region.”
“It’s also the perfect opportunity for all of us to stop and think of how we can all reduce our impact on the environment.”
“Removing plastics and other rubbish left on public land will help stop it entering our waterways and harming animals like platypus and the creek critters they feed off.
“Making small changes to our daily habits can also help reduce our reliance on single use items like plastic bags and food packaging.”
To get involved, visit the Clean Up Australia Day website and nominate a local litter hotspot or choose one of the many locations around our Shire where you can register as a volunteer.
“Or simply turn up at one of the public registered sites on the day with gloves, a hat, sturdy shoes, sunglasses and sunscreen and register onsite,” the Mayor added.
“With so many sites registered, there’s sure to be a location within easy reach of most Highlanders.”
Council is supporting Clean Up Australia Day and will be collecting rubbish free of charge from registered sites and transporting the waste to Council’s Resource Recovery Centre.
Since its inception 28 years ago Clean Up Australia Day has helped remove tens of thousands of tonnes of rubbish across the country.
“Our Shire has a strong track record in previous years of stepping up for Clean Up Australia Day and protecting and beautifying our region,” the Mayor added.
“I’m sure this year will be no different and I encourage anyone with a few hours to spare on Sunday 4 March to join and help make our Shire an even more beautiful place to live.”
For more information or registration details visit www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au or phone 1800 282 329.