Wingecarribee Shire Council’s 2020/2021 Operational Plan and Budget will include eight delivery items relating to climate change action following its adoption by Councillors at this week’s Council Meeting.
Included in these eight delivery items is the development of a Climate Change Emergency Response Plan which is in direct response to Council’s declaration of a Climate Change Emergency in February of this year.
Wingecarribee Shire Mayor Duncan Gair said the Climate Change Emergency Response Plan will outline how Council responds to climate emergency and will be developed in consultation with the community.
The 2020/2021 Operational Plan also identifies a continuation of energy management actions and climate change adaptation actions by Council. These actions will be implemented across Council and cover multiple budget areas.
“The upcoming capital works program includes a number of future asset renewal and maintenance projects that will include energy efficiency and climate change adaptation elements,” Mayor Gair said.
“These include the refurbishment of buildings, upgrades to water and sewage pumps, installation of emergency generators at water treatment plants and critical pump stations, upgrades to our sewage treatment plants, flood mitigation and drainage improvements and renewals to sewer mains and manholes.”
Council will also continue to use the Environment Levy to finance the Sustainable Living and Community Support program.
Council provides an update each year on the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan and publishes an annual greenhouse gas emissions report which can be found at